In Northern California we started to get mosquitoes a few months ago and yuck!  I CAN NOT stand those stupid bugs.  They, on the other hand, adore me.  I am always in a dilemma because as much as I hate mosquitoes, I also hate the sticky feeling and gross smell of traditional repellents.

Not to mention the chemicals in those sprays which always make me uncomfortable- especially when I am spraying them on my little girls.

So I decided to give a DIY repellent a shot and I started checking out recipes online… Um… some of the recipes I found had a bunch of ingredients or required squeezing lemons or just seemed like a pain in the you know what to make.  Not to mention lemon juice can give you sunburns so I wouldn’t want to use that to spray on my body in summer.

I have two different ideas for you to make your own spray depending on what you prefer to use.

The first is to pick up  this nifty Bug Off Synergy Blend oil.  It is an oil that has citronella, lavender, lemongrass and a few other things that repel mosquitoes. (I actually posted about this stuff several months ago- so if any of you picked it up back then please share what you thought!)

The spray is completely chemical free so it is perfectly safe for you to use– you might just test it first to be sure you don’t have any allergies or something but it worked perfectly for our family.  Please be sure to test this on children first too in a small area because sometimes people do have reactions to essential oils. 

Here is the recipe I used- I added all of this to our little spray bottle.  Note with essential oils you want to use glass bottles if possible (not plastic).  I needed a spray and had this one on hand but have since changed to glass.

Here is the simple recipe I used:

  • 2oz water or distilled water
  • 2oz Apple Cider Vinegar or Witch Hazel (I used Witch Hazel)
  • 20-55 drops of Bug Off Oil depending on the level of protection you need

You might consider 20 drops for children or to spray clothing and furniture and stuff and up to 55 drops if you are going to a heavily infested area.

And one important note- we all know normal bug spray can smell horrible.  I find this spray much less offensive- it does have Citronella but I find the scent to be very mild.


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